ODT Spotlight: Myah Hollis


Name: Myah Hollis

Favorite Film: Girl, Interrupted

Favorite Woman in Film: Duh. Shonda Lynn Rhimes. Queen.

Favorite Quote or Personal Mantra: Do what you love.

ODT: Where are you from? 

MH: Philly!

ODT: Describe the moment you decided to make the leap to LA. Any memorable moments? 

MH: I don't think there was a specific moment where I decided to do it. If there was, I don't remember it. I think it just coincided with my decision to become a screenwriter. At that point, you have no choice but to move to LA. Coming out here for my senior year internship solidified the fact that I wanted to live here. Two months after graduation I bought a $120 one-way ticket and I've been loving it here ever since.

ODT: What do you love about Hollywood? 

MH: It's a tough industry, but it's so creative and collaborative. Everyone is so passionate about what they do, and literally willing to be poor and homeless in order to do it. There's something oddly inspiring about how much we're all willing to struggle and fight for this, and it's something that not everyone understands.

ODT: Describe some of the struggles you've faced being a young woman in the film industry. 

MH: The overwhelming lack of opportunity. It's so hard to break into this industry, let alone get ongoing work that you can support yourself with. That's hard for anyone. Then you add on the dynamic of being a female in this industry and your chances are even slimmer. And then to be a black female on top of that makes your chances slim to none. That's why it's so important to create your own work and tell your own story. That's the force that drives OR DIE TRYING. We're making what we want to make. We're telling our story through our voices in the way that only we can.

ODT: Tell us about your life outside of OR DIE TRYING? 

MH: What life outside of OR DIE TRYING?

ODT: What other projects are you working on at the moment? 

MH: When I'm not working on ODT scripts, I'm writing a novel series, a feature, and two other television show concepts. I have so many different characters in my head I should be committed. 

ODT: What do you love about OR DIE TRYING? 

MH: I love my characters. They're complex, flawed, strong, resilient--all of the things that women are. They're representative of every girl in some way, and they're inclusive. I want people to see themselves in these characters. I don't want them to be some unachievable idea of what women should aspire to be. I want them to be human, and to remain that way throughout the course of the story.

ODT: What dream are you most fighting for? 

MH: I'm fighting for the dream of everyone being able to sustain themselves with their creativity. Art, in all of it's many different mediums, plays such a vital role in our world. It can be very underrated. I don't want "starving artist" to be a thing. I don't want that trope to exist. I want people to understand the value of artists, so that no one has to starve to bring the world what it needs.


Learn more about Myah Hollis and OR DIE TRYING

on Seed&Spark here